classified ad blaster is great, very
easy to use and quite effective! Classified
ad placement is a excellent way to bring
in web traffic and the time I safe with
your blaster really makes it a no-brainer.
I just wanted to let you know I am recommending
the product to my clients.
a very short time we have...gotten a
clear notion of what your web tools
can do. They have increased the demand
for our products and have made our lives
much easier. We are very glad we chose
to work with your site and really appreciate
the help and interest your support team
has given us."
Just wanted to thank you for answering
my questions in a timely matter; most
companies don't seem to answer until
the next business day, so I was pleased
when I got a response in 1 hour on a
I've been fooling around with the program
and, once I figured out how it worked,
I was really impressed! All these features
are great. The service is great. And
the ordering process made me feel secure.
I don't buy much on line, but after
seeing these programs in action I am
glad I signed up. What other software
are you going to ad in the future??
Feel free to use this as one of your
testimonials on your website."
this is Larry from http://www.adwords-secrets.com.
I'm glad we traded products, these tools
have made my life much easier and I
hope you feel the same about my ebook.
The website submission tool is great.
My link popularly is going to sky rocket,
that's the best part of all. I tested
out the IP-to-IP blaster, so easy to
use its great. Thank you again for the
product trade!"
can't tell you enough how much this
software has actually increased business.
At first I was not sure if this investment
would pay off. Boy, has it paid off
in a major way! Thanks for all your
help, by the way this has been one of
the best Internet investments I have
wanted to personally thank you, for
everything your software has added to
my business. This fabulous Web Poster
software has truly revolutionized the
way we drive people to our site and
I have dramatically improved my Google
choosing Total Advertising Network's
software package we were able to cut
back on bulk email campaigns, lower
our pay-per click campaigns and significantly
save time in our over all marketing
is a lot more fun to own a business
now that we can submit our info one
time rather than several hundred. This
alone leaves us so much extra time we
can focus our efforts in making our
software better rather than marketing.
We accomplished in 2 months what we
expected to take a year."
objective was clear, we were looking
for a solution to our marketing needs.
Your tool kit really did the job! Sense
putting your website to work we have
had so much extra time on our hands
it has allowed us to get a better understanding
of our customers base."
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